Sunday, April 24, 2011

"Bucket List"

Everyone has some form or another...things they have always wanted to try or do...some of us....just have a wish list, some of us strive to complete the list...for I love a new challenge...I love to learn and to make my life worth living..I started my "official" bucket list 6 yrs ago when I first became a single mum and have been expanding on it ever since..Today I thought I would share mine with you...keep checking you never know when I will have another item crossed off or added...what's yours?

1) Get a tattoo - accomplished Jan 2005, 2 more since
2) Lose weight and get into shape - accomplished 2006
3) Run a 5Km race - accomplished Oct 2006
4) Run a 10Km race - accomplished July 2007
5) Learn to swim - accomplished Mar 2011
6) Learn to drive a manual - accomplished Fall 2000
7) Take Belly Dancing Lessons - completed 1 session Mar 2011
8) Downhill skiing - accomplished Mar 2007
9) Find my soul mate - accomplished Feb 2007
10) Water ski
11) Go on a cruise
12) Go down south on vacation just once
13) Tour Europe
14) Run a half marathon (may not happen now cuz of my back)
15) Climb Gros Morne Mountain (this summer!)
16) Learn to ride a motorcycle
17) Scuba Dive
18) Participate in a Fitness Competition
19) Become a personal trainer - well on my way (first course starts June 2011)
20) Design and build my own home (design is started..)
21) Sky Dive
22) #2 Again after baby #3 - well on my way

Saturday, April 23, 2011

ClArKe'S cAkEs...

I just started doing cakes in my free time, mostly for family and friends, but it's becoming an interest of mine and looking forward to improving design and technique.
Take a look!