Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Running Update..

So, I was told I would NEVER run again due to the herniated disc , but being stubborn and a runner for years, I am not ready to give up the dream just yet...I have started again, slow...1km at a first day was great, actually did 2.8km, my fitness level has improved so much that I actually ran a 5:17 km! My fastest yet and I wasn't even pushing it! That was a Monday, tried another 1Km that Friday and by Sunday had slight sciatic pain...disappointing but it's not dead in the water yet! I am getting a pair of 5 Finger Vibrams (hopefully for my bday) and will give it a try with them. I have read several barefoot running articles, including one done by a man who also suffered from a herniated disc and was told he would never run again, now he is running there is still hope! 
In the meantime, I dug out my daughters rusted mountain bike and decided to try cycling, 20-40min a day starting this week in addition to my regular gym time...wish me luck!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

#1 Reason for my plateau - Prescription Meds!

So....I have been trying to cut fat since March of this year...was successful for the first 4 weeks, then struggled. The weight and BF% fluctuated up and down, changed diets, upped my workouts, got obsessive about counting calories, even looked at the blood type diet to include in my fat burning trainer asked if I was on any meds that cause weight gain. So I looked into it, and it so happens that the blood pressure meds (that I started in late January and which I don't think I should be on.- that is another blog)...list rapid weight gain as a common side effect.
So now that I have a probable cause of my weight issues, I am working on correcting it.......
Stay posted for my results!