Sunday, December 9, 2012

My First Figure Competition!

It's been way too long since the last time I blogged, want to start doing it again on a regular basis, and wished I had been blogging through the entire process of my competition training...never the less I am back.
Today I will post before and after pictures of my preparation for my first competition..I will describe the process, the struggles, and the final results in a another post.
I have been struggling with getting back into shape since my last baby back in May 2009...and was getting slow success in weight loss, but not really progressing they way I had imagined I could. So in August when my trainer suggested I do a figure competition, I signed up, I thought something to work for..something to motivate me on a daily basis to work harder and eat cleaner..
The process entails  eating clean 100% of the time, no sugar, no alcohol, and no cheating! It also means, training and for me lots of it! 7 days in the gym, 17 hours of training a week, including cardio and weights! There were days I didn't want to eat what was on the plan, and I didn't want to do my workout, but I did want to get on stage! It was 14 weeks from beginning to end..not a whole lot of time but it was something...
Starting weight was 133lbs...seen here!

I ended up weighing in at 108lbs on stage! Now granted you cannot maintain stage weight...but it was nice to get there even for just a day! I will sit at about 120lbs post season with anticipated weight gain as I start to build and add muscle onto my this point my weight is not an issue, it's more composition I will be focusing I plan to do another competition next year! The process taught me a lot about my body, the science of food, and the bond and friendships one can make with others in the same position, I think I have found a second family in the group I did this with..that and reaching my goal were the true rewards of this process.I still need some work in certain areas, but I have a whole year this time to prep!
After Pictures!

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