Monday, December 19, 2011

New Workout Plan for the New Year!

As with my new meal plan, this workout plan too will start this week, with a break then when the holidays are over back at it full tilt, I am bound and determined to change my physique this year to the one I have wanted for the last 5 years, this is my year! I JUST KNOW IT!

Full Body with 2 days rest
5/5 Cadence - One set to failure (7reps, 10 for leg press)
3 mins rest between exercises
After failure push one more rep..hold for 5 secs
Target Reps 12, once reached increase weight by 10 or 10% whichever is greater
Increase rest days when hit plateau

Starting/Determining workout weight:

Do 5 reps, cadence 2/2,rest 1 min ,increase by 10lbs do 5 more, repeat until no longer able to do 5 reps. Take 70% of the last set of 5 and that is ur workout weight. Do a 5/5 cadence set with the new weight to failure after a 3 min rest

Day 1:
Leg Press
Leg Curl
Seated Calf raises
Pull Ups (assisted at first)
Abs (non cadence)
20 mins cardio (bike)

Day 2:
Shoulder Press
Bench Press
Bicep Curl
Tricep Extension
20 mins cardio (elliptical)

Rest Days: 45 mins cardio (mix of elliptical, bike, stepper, rope)

New Meal Plan to go with my new workout plan

Below is the new meal plan for the new that my meds are fixed and no longer hindering fat loss, muscle gain and adding weight I can get back to focusing on reshaping my physique.
This is a trial, I suspect I will have to add more food in here...this generally is about 1600 calories, but if I can stick to my workout (next post), I most likely will require more fuel, so this will start this week..with a break at Christmas, then back again full time after the holidays. 

6:30am                 : 4 egg whites          
                               : 1/3 cup oats with cinnamon
                               : 1/2 scoop protein powder
                               : 1 tbsp flax meal
                               : omega 3 supplement
                               : CLA
                               : L-Gluatmine (10g)

9:00am                 : 1 can tuna
                               : 1 cup green veggies

11:30am               : 1 cup V8
(preworkout)        : 1 scoop protein powder
(if weights)           : 1 tbsp flax meal
                               : L glutamine (10g)

12:00                     : 1/2 grapefruit(if cardio only)

1:30pm                 : 1 scoop protein powder
(postworkout)      : 75 grams spinach
                               : 1/2 banana
                               : 1/2 cup coconut water
                               : 2 tbsp flax meal
                               : CLA
                               : Omega 3 supplement
                               : L- Glutamine (30g)
                               : 1/2 cup greek yogurt

4:00pm                 : 1 can tuna/ or chicken
                               : 1 cup green veggies

6:30 pm                : 1 cup veggies
                               : 3 oz lean meat
                               : CLA
                               : Omega 3 supplement

9:00pm                 : 1/2 grapefruit

9:30pm                 : 1 scoop protein powder
(postworkout)      : 1 tbsp flax meal
                               : 1/2 cup milk
                               : L-Glutamine (30g)