Sunday, December 9, 2012

My First Figure Competition!

It's been way too long since the last time I blogged, want to start doing it again on a regular basis, and wished I had been blogging through the entire process of my competition training...never the less I am back.
Today I will post before and after pictures of my preparation for my first competition..I will describe the process, the struggles, and the final results in a another post.
I have been struggling with getting back into shape since my last baby back in May 2009...and was getting slow success in weight loss, but not really progressing they way I had imagined I could. So in August when my trainer suggested I do a figure competition, I signed up, I thought something to work for..something to motivate me on a daily basis to work harder and eat cleaner..
The process entails  eating clean 100% of the time, no sugar, no alcohol, and no cheating! It also means, training and for me lots of it! 7 days in the gym, 17 hours of training a week, including cardio and weights! There were days I didn't want to eat what was on the plan, and I didn't want to do my workout, but I did want to get on stage! It was 14 weeks from beginning to end..not a whole lot of time but it was something...
Starting weight was 133lbs...seen here!

I ended up weighing in at 108lbs on stage! Now granted you cannot maintain stage weight...but it was nice to get there even for just a day! I will sit at about 120lbs post season with anticipated weight gain as I start to build and add muscle onto my this point my weight is not an issue, it's more composition I will be focusing I plan to do another competition next year! The process taught me a lot about my body, the science of food, and the bond and friendships one can make with others in the same position, I think I have found a second family in the group I did this with..that and reaching my goal were the true rewards of this process.I still need some work in certain areas, but I have a whole year this time to prep!
After Pictures!

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Objects in mirror are much stronger than they appear.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wanna Age gracefully?

I believe...too many of us chock up our ailments to genetics and family history like it's not our fault, I often hear "it's genetic" or "it's in the family" which they like to use as a "free out of jail card" when it comes to habits, food and exercise..get with the program ppl, be responsible for what you put in your body!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Homemade Protein Bars!

Well, I love protein bars..quick easy meal/snack....and use to buy them..always searching for the right one for the right price...however, to get anything decent you either have to eat one that has more sugar than protein or something full of artificial sweeteners and other processed decided to make my own!
I came up with the recipe by myself, and experimented with it....Below is a picture of my new favourite go to snack! Perfect for pre and post workout...So I decided to share.

Nutrition Info Per Serving:  (cost per serving is approx. $1!)
Calories : 262      
Fat: 9g
Carbs 19g
Sugar 3g
Fiber 4g
Protein 26g!


2 cups rolled oats
2 tbsp flax meal
5 scoops protein powder
2 tbsp cinnamon
4 squares of 80% cocoa, grated

3/4 cup 0% fat plain Greek yogurt
1/4 unsweetened applesauce
1 tbsp all natural peanut butter
6 egg whites
1/2 cup plain/unsweetened almond milk

Mix dry ingredients together in large bowl, then add in remainder ingredients, mix well.
Spread into square or rectangle baking pan, and score into 10 pieces, top with whole almonds (I used 4 per piece).
Bake in 350 degree oven for 15 mins or until toothpick comes out clean.
Let cool and cut. Store in Airtight container..should be good for a least a week.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Vibrams 2!

I loved my first pair of Vibrams so much I went and got a second pair!
My hubby also came to the dark side and purchased his first to get some for the kiddies! :D

3 Week Progress....

Just a mini progress update with the new workout plan and meal plan. Final pics and measurements will be at 12 weeks.

Body Composition:
Dec 8th - 137.1 lbs BF% 25.8%
Chest: 34"
Waist: 28.25"
Arm (flexed) 12.25"
Hips 39.75"
Thigh 22.5"
Calf 14.75"

Jan 13th - 138.4 lbs

So I have lost 4.7 of my 6 lbs of weight gain from that is a bonus..


Dec 27th:                                                        Jan 13th:

Leg Press: 270 lbs                                         Leg Press: 330lbs
Leg Curl: 55lbs                                               Leg Curl: 65lbs
Calf Raises: 150 lbs                                       Calf Raises: 180lbs
Shoulder Press: 40lbs                                    Shoulder Press: 50lbs
Chest Press: 80lbs                                         Chest Press: 100lbs
Assisted Pull-Ups: 65lbs of assistance          Assisted Pull-Ups: 45lbs of assistance
Biceps: 40 lbs                                                 Biceps: 60lbs
Triceps: 40 lbs                                                Triceps: 60lbs

Now, that is an increase of 10% each workout, and this numbers are from only 3 workouts of ONE set of each exercise.
So far I am loving this plan and loving the results...I am now increasing my rest days to 3 in between each workout and adding swimming back into my cardio options on those days.