Friday, May 27, 2011

Fitness Test Success!

I am so happy I have to share!

First, I finally got rid of the 5 pounds I put on after screwing with my the new/old diet plan is working better for me WOOHOO!!!!!!

Second I had my fitness test today (my end of session test)..and I ROCKED IT! So super excited to see my results on paper (update coming in a few days)...but there were three key tests within the whole test that I had failed the first time 12 weeks ago. Keep in mind when I hired my trainer, my whole left side and lower core were not only weak but inactive from the herniated disc issue. So needless to say of course I failed most of the test..I wasn't surprised by the results, but it wasn't long ago that I was squatting 195 lbs and benching my own weight so to see and feel me so weak was disheartening to say the least......and it seemed hopeless......but I was confident and secretly praying to a God I don't believe in that she could help me, if not to get me back into weight training shape at least be able straighten me up and have me walking properly again.

I don't have the official test results yet, but she said I did awesome and I passed all three of my areas of concern...she's done a wonderful job of reactivating everything, stabilizing my body and straightening me enough to walk straight, and improve my flexibility...without those key things weight training would have been impossible! I am now on the road to strengthening everything..and hopefully get back at it enough to compete..

I am sooooo excited I could jump up and down and scream...!!!!! YAY!!!!!!
Final before and after pics to come as well....I can't wait to see how far I can go!

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