Friday, May 20, 2011

Gym Pet Peeve!

Okay, I gotta vent! I run into this ALL the time and today it really got to me..

I go to the gym everyday, I believe in gym etiquette, and I think we all should respect one another while there. We all need to use the machines, we all need to get out workout done, and some of us have a time limit. What ticks me off is when ppl insist on sitting on the machines between sets, for what seems like forever!  Or get annoyed when I ask if I can jump in between don't own the freaking machine or bench or whatever PAL! This goes along with those people (mostly punk ass little boys) who seem to think they own the gym and everything in it. When they aren't hogging the machines they spread out the benches in the free weight space and make sure two or three of them use all the equipment then stand there chit chatting, texting, or worse just wandering around in small circles like lost puppies, wasting time and making it virtually impossible for anyone else to get into that area! ARRRGGGG!

okay..done venting..but seriously...I go to the gym, I superset, I don't sit or stand around in the way of others, I always allow others to share the machines, and most importantly I wipe off the machines EVERY time! I guess to expect others to treat you and the space with respect would be like expecting all the drivers on the road to know the rules...HAHAHA....another pet peeve...but that I will save for a different post!

I am glad that tomorrow's workout I can do at home....(which is difficult in itself in many ways)

Happy Lifting! Train clean!

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