Monday, June 27, 2011

Alcohol and Blood Pressure...

Seeing as I was suppose to cut out alcohol LAST week in an attempt to cut some fat...I guess this week's revelation isn't such a bad thing....drinking seems to be dropping my BP to intolerable levels..I am still on a very low dosage of meds for HIGH blood pressure, due to a freak spike in BP in early Jan, although the Dr. has no idea what caused/causing it or has no intention of trying to figure it out, he would rather just keep me on the meds forever. I have convinced him to lower my dose, and am currently at the lowest dose possible. I am aware that alcohol can sometimes increase the affects of BP meds, and I suspect this is what is happening here. I hate being on medication, I don't believe in it, in fact most cases for which Dr.'s put ppl on meds I strongly believe can be solved thru diet and exercise. For now...I will eliminate alcohol from my diet completely and hoping get the BP under control and have the added side effect of keeping my diet clean.
Wish me Luck! :D

1 comment:

  1. Update: I had dizzy spells and extreme exhaustion WITHOUT drinking any alcohol, so my original diagnosis is not entirely step second opinion, find a new doctor..see what he/she has to say..
