Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dealing with negativity and saboteurs..

Before I start, I have to warn you this may turn into a rant! LOL

One of the most annoying things I have found over the years is people's inability to support and encourage one another....and most of the time it's those closest to you..
Ever find that when you start something new, you have one of two reactions from ppl, either they are with you or against you? How often are they with you when you have chosen something that will improve your daily life? Not very often, at least not in my experience..
I have always strived to eat well...even as a teen, always researching nutrition, learning what things I should eat to fight cancer, live healthy etc..and always I have been ridiculed, insulted, teased and down right told that I was not allowed. I learned over the years to eliminate those negative ppl from my life, yes I said it, eliminate ppl, why? Because they were not contributing to my overall well being. I have made a choice to do what I can to eat healthy, stay fit and strong for as long as possible not only to enhance my life, give me a chance to have a good quality of life now and in the future but because it makes ME feel good, inside and out. The side effects are only that all of this will rub off on my loved ones and give them an opportunity to enjoy life a little longer and/or a litte more comfortable. I make these choices for me, and heck they are healthy choices, so why day after day to people insist on giving me a hard time? I know the answer , but I don't understand why ppl do it. 
Now, before you think I am on some high horse, I have to make it clear that I DO eat chips, drink beer, wine and yes eat CHOCOLATE! I also consume sugar on a weekly basis, BUT I make a conscious effort on a daily basis to watch my limits, workout regularly and do what I can to enhance and increase my knowledge on my body and what makes it work to the best of it's ability. My guess is it's working, why? Because ppl notice, I notice...I feel good, I look better everyday...and I get stronger and healthy as each week passes...and its all for me...and my kids...I as a parent feel it is my responsibility not only to be there for them for as long as possible, but also to be less of a burden by staying healthy and teaching them the tools so they too can have a quality of life for as long as they are on this Earth.
It's hard enough for someone to make the decision to turn their life around, to actually make better choices and stick to a healthy lifestyle without ppl constantly at them for eating well and being active. Yes, they maybe jealous, they may wish they could have that kind of dedication...but it's no excuse and it isn't fair....why would you want someone you care about to FAIL? I sure as hell don't want to see any of my friends fail at anything they decide to do!
That being said, I do have ppl who support and encourage me, I am extremely grateful to have them in my life..THANK YOU! 

Comments for the day:
1) to those trying to make a better life: Keep Up the amazing work, ignore the fools, keep you head high and smile!
2) to those trying to encourage their loved ones: Awesome, very proud of those of you who can support and's not easy
3) to those who sabotage: Screw OFF! and Get a life!!!...

Well, that's it for today..
Train smart, eat well....stay fit!

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